Explore HRMCon


Dive into the insights and discussions from HRMCon. Watch the recorded sessions at your convenience.


Each year, HRMCon brings together cybersecurity thought leaders and practitioners to present a half-day virtual conference geared toward continuously evolving the power of behavior change in mitigating risks.

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Explore HRMCon

Dive into the insights and discussions from HRMCon. 


Each year Human Risk Management Conference brings together cybersecurity risk management thought leaders and practitioners to present a virtual conference geared towards continuously evolving the power of behavior change in mitigating human risks. 



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Breakout Tracks

Human Risk



Policy & Training Interventions

Workforce Education

and Enablement


Security Culture

Quantifying Behaviors to Mitigate Human Risk in HRM

Chris Poirel, Living Security

 Targeting Awareness of Cyber Threats with Risk-Based Policies & Training Interventions

David Tunley, Rivian

Hook, Line, and Sinker

Aaron Strong, Syniverse

Building a Robust Security Culture

Terry Smith, Blackbaud

Play Button Chris
Play Button David T
Play Button Aaron
Play Button Terry

Human Risk Management 2.0

Jon Brickey, Mastercard

 Empowring Your Human Firewall: Orchestration for Cyber Resilience and Training

Sandy Evans, Living Security

How to Deepen Your Career in Security Awareness

Cassie Clark, Consultant

HRM's Role Cultivating a Positive Security Culture for your Organization

Shawnee Delaney, Vaillance Group

Play Button Jon
Play Button Sandy
Play Button Cassie
Play Button Shawnee

The State of Human Risk Quantification

Maria Long, Violet Sullivan & Julian Sylvestro

MindSecure: Elevating Cyber Resilience through Cyberpsychology and Organization Synergy

Allen Ohanian, LA County

Own Your Security Journey: Empower All Levels to Track Human Risk & Drive Continuous Improvement

Erik Book, Living Security

Borrowing Brilliance: What Security Awareness and Training Should Steal from Marketing

Mike Taylor, Nationwide

Play Button Panel
Play Button Allen
Play Button Erik
Play Button Mike

Connecting Emerging Threat Intel to Human Risk Quantification

Josh Bartolomie, Cofense

Evolving from Annual Security Compliance Training to Risk-Based Policy and Training

Michele Kim, Fitch Ratings

Using Human Risk Management to Drive Behavioral Change

Brandy Harris, CyberEd

Scorecards & Vigilance: Unleashing the Power of Your Workforce for a More Secure Future

Nick Marchiselli, Living Security

Play Button Josh


Play Button Michele


Play Button Brandy


Play Button Nick



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Breakout Tracks

Human Risk



Policy & Training Interventions

Workforce Education

and Enablement


Security Culture

Quantifying Behaviors to Mitigate Human Risk in HRM

Chris Poirel, Living Security

 Targeting Awareness of Cyber Threats with Risk-Based Policies & Training Interventions

David Tunley, Rivian

Hook, Line, and Sinker

Aaron Strong, Syniverse

Building a Robust Security Culture

Terry Smith, Blackbaud


Human Risk Management 2.0

Jon Brickey, Mastercard

 Empowring Your Human Firewall: Orchestration for Cyber Resilience and Training

Sandy Evancs, Living Security

How to Deepen Your Career in Security Awareness

Cassie Clark, Consultant

HRM's Role Cultivating a Positive Security Culture for your Organization

Shawnee Delaney, Vaillance Group


The State of Human Risk Quantification

Maria Long, Violet Sullivan & Julian Sylvestro

MindSecure: Elevating Cyber Resilience through Cyberpsychology and Organization Synergy

Allen Ohanian, LA County

Own Your Security Journey: Empower All Levels to Track Human Risk & Drive Continuous Improvement

Erik Book, Living Security

Borrowing Brilliance: What Security Awareness and Training Should Steal from Marketing

Mike Taylor, Nationwide

Connecting Emerging Threat Intel to Human Risk Quantification

Josh Bartolomie, Cofense

Evolving from Annual Security Compliance Training to Risk-Based Policy and Training

Michele Kim, Fitch Ratings

Using Human Risk Management to Drive Behavioral Change

Brandy Harris, CyberEd

Scorecards & Vigilance: Unleashing the Power of Your Workforce for a More Secure Future

Nick Marchiselli, Living Security


Conference Tracks

Choose from four exciting conference tracks. 

1. Human Risk Quantification

Detect and measure human security behaviors by identifying vigilant and vulnerable members of your workforce. Use data from your existing identity and security tools to quantify human risk across the full spectrum of security risks including account compromise, data loss, malware, phishing, social engineering, and training compliance.

2. Risk-Based Policy & Training Interventions

Initiate policy and training interventions based upon human risk. Interventions should be based on best practices and provide next steps that can be taken in real-time to address risk such as nudges, reminders, microlearning modules, and policy changes (such as updating passwords).

3. Workforce Education and Enablement

Educate and enable the workforce to protect against cybersecurity risks. Empower individual employees, managers, and executives to measure progress and track vigilance across teams and departments.

4. Positive Security Culture

Build a positive security culture by empowering your workforce to actively participate in security vigilance, eliminate needless compliance activity, and incorporate intelligent capabilities that simplify security compliance.
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Terry Smith

Blackbaud | Security Awareness Program Manager

Building a Robust Security Culture

During this session we will explore some interesting “cultural” practices; including a humorous look at some that you likely will find in your office. We will bust the myths about the time it takes to impact a culture and provide some simple things you can do today to start building up your security culture. You will walk away with an “I can do it too” attitude about the positive impact you can make in your organization.


About Terry

Terry is  husband, father, entrepreneur, speaker, and currently he leads the security awareness program at Blackbaud. With over 30 years of experience in the technology industry, he has seen a great deal of change.  He started his career as a software engineer, then moved into project management with security and audit teams before accepting his current duties.

Navigating the Vulnerability Management Lifecycle: A Step-by-Step Guide with Human Risk Mangement

Living Security Blog

Navigating the Vulnerability Management Lifecycle: A Step-by-Step Guide with Human Risk Mangement
Implementing Governance Risk and Compliance Software: Challenges and Solutions

Living Security Blog

Implementing Governance Risk and Compliance Software: Challenges and Solutions
Maximizing Cyber Risk Assessment Tools to Gain Visibility into Human Risk

Living Security Blog

Maximizing Cyber Risk Assessment Tools to Gain Visibility into Human Risk
testimonial bg testimonial mobile bg

The Future Is Now: Introducing Human Risk Management. This is not just a name change. It is a significant change of mindset, strategy, process, and technology about how we approach an old problem in a new world.

Jinan Budge


Keynote Speakers

Review extended insights into human risk management from renowned thought leaders in the cybersecurity risk management industry.
David Kennedy Color

David Kennedy | TrustedSec

David Kennedy, founder and CEO of TrustedSec, and subject matter expert in cybersecurity presents Unveiling the Adversary: War Stories & Discoveries from the Human Element. During this keynote hear war stories and discoveries of advanced attacks including voice cloning and ransomware attacks. Dive into how businesses can prepare for these advanced scams and attacks through human risk management. WATCH SESSION
Jess Burn Color

Jess Burn | Forrester

Jess Burn, principal analyst at Forrester specializing in incident response, crisis management, and email security, presents The Future is Now: Introducing Human Risk Management. This session examines the major expected changes in SA&T as the cybersecurity risk management industry transitions to an approach that centers on behavior, prioritizing positively influencing behavior and instilling a security culture within organizations.

Brian Krebs Color

Brian Krebs |

Decorated independent investigative reporter, Brian Krebs, joins Living Security CEO, Ashley Rose, for a Fireside Chat: What Breaches Teach Us. From data spills, breaches and thefts, to breach fatigue, apathy and cynicism, this discussion will examine some of the more alarming trends in cybercrime, and offer perspectives on how businesses can up their cybersecurity risk management game in response. 



Watch Breakout Tracks

Detect and measure human security behaviors by identifying vigilant and vulnerable members of your workforce. Use data from your existing identity and security tools to quantify human risk across the full spectrum of security risks including account compromise, data loss, malware, phishing, social engineering, and training compliance.


Chris Poirel, Living security

Jon Brickey, Mastercard

Maria Long, Violet Sullivan, Julian Sylvestro

Josh Bartolomie, Cofense

Play Button Chris Play Button Jon Play Button Panel Play Button Josh
Data-Driven Decisions: Quantifying Behaviors to Mitigate Human Risk in HRM Human Risk Management 2.0 The State of Human Risk Quantification  Global Threat Intel


Initiate policy and training interventions based upon human risk. Interventions should be based on best practices and provide next steps that can be taken in real-time to address risk such as nudges, reminders, microlearning modules, and policy changes.


David Tunley, Rivian

Sandy Evans, Living Security

Allen Ohanian, LA County DCFS

Michele Kim, Fitch Ratings

Play Button David T Play Button Sandy Play Button Allen Play Button Michele
Targeting Awareness of Emerging Cyber Threats with Risk-Based Policy and Training Interventions Empowering Your Human Firewall: Orchestration for Cyber Resilience & Training MindSecure: Elevating Cyber Resilience through Cyberpsychology and Organizational Synergy Evolving from Annual Security Compliance Training to Risk-Based Policy and Training

Educate and enable the workforce to protect against cybersecurity risks. Empower individual employees, managers, and executives to measure progress and track vigilance across teams and departments.


Aaron Strong, Syniverse

Cassie Clark, Security Awareness Consultant

Erik Book, Living Security

Brandy Harris, CyberEd

Play Button Aaron Play Button Cassie Play Button Erik Play Button Brandy
Hook, Line, and Sinker How to Deepen Your Career in Security Awareness Own Your Security Journey: Empowering All Levels to Track Human Risk and Drive Continuous Improvement Using HRM to Drive Behavioral Change

Build a positive security culture by empowering your workforce to actively participate in security vigilance, eliminate needless compliance activity, and incorporate intelligent capabilities that simplify security compliance.


Terry Smith, Blackbaud

Shawnee Delaney, Vaillance Group

Mike Taylor, Nationwide

Nick Marchiselli, Living Security

Play Button Terry Play Button Shawnee Play Button Mike Play Button Nick
Building a Robust Security Culture HRM’s Role Cultivating a Positive Security Culture in Your Organization Borrowing Brilliance: What Security Awareness and Training Should Steal from Marketing Scorecards & Vigilance: Unleashing the Power of Your Workforce for a More Secure Future

Chris Poirel Sandy Evans Erik Book Nick Marchiselli
Play Button Chris Play Button Sandy Play Button Erik Play Button Nick
Data-Driven Decisions: Quantifying Behaviors to Mitigate Human Risk in HRM Empowering Your Human Firewall: Orchestration for Cyber Resilience & Training Own Your Security Journey: Empowering All Levels to Track Human Risk & Drive Continuous Improvement Scorecards & Vigilance: Unleashing the Power of Your Workforce for a More Secure Future


testimonial bg testimonial mobile bg

The Future Is Now: Introducing Human Risk Management. This is not just a name change. It is a significant change of mindset, strategy, process, and technology about how we approach an old problem in a new world

Jinan Budge

senior-hispanic-woman-working-in-home-office-color drench

senior-hispanic-woman-working-in-home-office-color drench




Browse Curated Collections

Chris Poirel Sandy Evans Erik Book Nick Marchiselli
Play Button Chris Play Button Sandy Play Button Erik Play Button Nick
Data-Driven Decisions: Quantifying Behaviors to Mitigate Human Risk in HRM Empowering Your Human Firewall: Orchestration for Cyber Resilience & Training Own Your Security Journey: Empowering All Levels to Track Human Risk & Drive Continuous Improvement Scorecards & Vigilance: Unleashing the Power of Your Workforce for a More Secure Future


Dr. Brandy Harris, CyberEd

Shawnee Delaney, Vaillance Group

Michele Kim, Fitch Ratings

Cassie Clark, Security Awareness Consultant

Play Button Brandy Play Button Shawnee Play Button Michele Play Button Cassie
Using HRM to Drive Behavioral Change HRM’s Role Cultivating a Positive Security Culture in Your Organization Evolving from Annual Security Compliance Training to Risk-Based Policy and Training How to Deepen Your Career in Security Awareness

Josh Bartolomie, Cofense

Dr. Brandy Harris, CyberEd

Maria Long, Violet Sullivan, Julian Sylvestro

Shawnee Delaney, Vaillance Group

Play Button Josh Play Button Brandy Play Button Panel Play Button Shawnee
Global Threat Intel Using HRM to Drive Behavioral Change The State of Human Risk Quantification  HRM’s Role Cultivating a Positive Security Culture in Your Organization
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