HRM & Cybersecurity Blog | Living Security

Why Problems in Cybersecurity are Overlooked & How to Address Them | Living Security

Written by Living Security Team | May 24, 2023

Cybersecurity threats increased by 38% in 2022, a trend likely to continue, particularly with remote and hybrid working situations. Factors that influence the security of your company are still universally overlooked. In this article, we’ll look at those factors that affect cybersecurity and why they’re missed.

We’ll also expand on the main issue: the human element. Why is human error such a big vulnerability for your company? Whether we’re talking about emails, hardware, cloud platforms, or software solutions, consider why the problems are overlooked. Then, we’ll explore how you can address the main cybersecurity issues to ensure you and your company are protected and secure.

What Are the Main Cybersecurity Concerns?

Cybersecurity presents specific threats for 2023. Some of the most common concerns include following: cloud security, data poisoning, ineffective encryption, internal employees, IoT connections, password misuse, phishing, malvertisements, multi-layer security, new technology, ransomware attacks, supply chain attacks, and other cybersecurity problems.

It’s important to explore all the issues in cybersecurity, but each of these threats have one common denominator: human error. No matter what tools and systems you use, you still have to rely on your employees to understand the risks and behave in an appropriate manner with their password usage and planning.

Why Are Cybersecurity Problems Often Overlooked?

Some 75% of Americans are aware of cybersecurity issues related to strong passwords while 73% are aware of problems with unsecure wi-fi in public areas. Even when they’re aware of the problems, they don’t understand the extent of the problem or what steps they need to take to rectify the issues. You’re in the dark, trying to find your way to combat supply chain attacks, compromised systems, and attackers.

You might overlook ransomware attacks and other cybersecurity issues because you’ve been in a hybrid workspace due to the pandemic, supply chain attacks, compromised systems, and subsequent upheaval. Your workflow and protocols have been further complicated as essential assets are more digitized. Essentially, you’re presented with a world of new workplace scenarios without proper training, planning, understanding, or experience.

Addressing the Biggest Issue in Cybersecurity

With all the threats that you face, 82% of breaches begin with human error. So, cybersecurity is still the biggest problem. You’re simply not prepared for how to approach the situation. You’re dealing with human risk management and security awareness training is ineffective. It doesn’t go far enough to prepare you and your team for what you’ll face.

Here are some reasons your security awareness training is ineffective against cyber attacks and attackers:

  • You’ve already been inundated and overwhelmed by learning topics.
  • Communication channels are already on overload. Messaging doesn’t get through.
  • You and your team just aren’t interested in hearing more about cybersecurity.
  • Your IT department isn’t prepared to cut through the noise to get their message across.
  • Your digital learning platform is not effective.

It's been difficult to get a line of sight into how to solve cybersecurity issues. It’s not enough to bubble-wrap your employees with tech protections. It doesn’t work to just assume that they will instinctively do the right thing. You must consider options for security awareness training that will effectively support your team and your company.

How to Handle the Human Element of Cyber Risk

Of course, the intersection of human error and cybersecurity is not always easy or straightforward. Here are the steps you can take to manage your team while you’re addressing those security threats. Consider the tools and strategies you’ll need to ensure success with security awareness training.

Make an Assessment of Your Staff

The first step is to assess the capabilities of your team. So you can determine whether they’ll be able to meet and exceed your expectations for performance. As you review their performance, you’ll ensure that they meet quality standards. You also ensure that you’re setting realistic expectations and supporting their needs for security awareness training.

Personalize the Approach to Cybersecurity Training Topics

As you work to meet the training needs of your employees, you must take a personalized approach. Since every employee’s position is unique, focus on delivering training topics that will best meet each person’s scope and purview. To learn more, explore “How to Select the Best Security Awareness Topics for Your Workplace.”

Optimize Your Security Awareness Training

Of course, security awareness training is constantly evolving. Use your staff assessment and personalized training strategies to optimize your approach. As you improve your training, make it more engaging as you reinforce your training methods. At Living Security, we offer effective training that includes:

  • Gamified programs
  • Engagement and immersion
  • A team-focused approach
  • Ongoing security culture
  • Training impact assessment

Beyond ensuring that the training is engaging, you’re helping to mitigate risk, compromised systems, and supply chain attacks, while encouraging retention. You can drive learning and understanding in an atmosphere that celebrates human risk management and remote work. All the while, you’re protecting your team and company against cyber attackers.

Don’t Forget Third Party Risk

The number of third party risks continues to increase, as 83% of companies experience incidents. As you work with third parties, you’re more likely to see gaps in cybersecurity with greater frequency and expense. To learn more, review “Best Practices for Third Party Risk Assessment.”

Use Phishing Simulators That Bring Results

One of the best ways to engage with your employees and make sure the security awareness training is effective is by using phishing simulations. These phishing simulations allow you to show your employees what to expect and how to react in specific attack situations. That’s why they are the bread and butter of typical cybersecurity awareness training.

Of course, phishing simulators aren't all as effective as they could be for your staff training. Here are some features you should look for:

  • Convenient: Your first goal is to make sure the phishing simulator is easy to use. If it’s too difficult, your employees will avoid using the simulator to recognize malicious attacks.
  • Time efficient: It shouldn’t take too long to derive benefits from a phishing simulator. Your employees already have enough other projects on their plate. You don’t want to further distract from their job function and enjoyment.
  • Real: The phishing simulator should represent what they’ll see in an actual situation.

Your goal isn't to create more work or to inspire burnout. Security awareness training should engage their interest while encouraging their curiosity, learning, and understanding. Ultimately, effective training will also make your company a better, more engaged, and safer environment for your employees.

Employ Modern Email Gateways

One of the easiest ways to protect your business and your employees is by setting up a modern email gateway. A gateway can help you avoid many of the worst security issues associated with phishing, spam, and even malicious viruses. Instead of relying on training to curb human error or email management, an email gateway removes many of the issues with email access.

Here’s what an email gateway can do for your company:

  • Compliance: You can meet NIST framework guidelines or other standards for compliance.
  • Continuity: Normal operations can continue, even if your server goes down.
  • Encryption: Your data is secure and accessible by key stakeholders.

Some 75% of cyberattacks start with an email. Security awareness training supports your efforts to build cybersecurity protocols. If you’re really looking for a comprehensive solution, though, a modern email gateway can help to mitigate the risks.

Use Software to Track, Analyze, and Report

It’s not humanly possible to track all the details you need to know for cybersecurity awareness training and implementation. Your goal is to track the variables, but also to analyze metrics, and deliver reporting to key stakeholders in your organization. Those analytics are key to your reporting and future success. So here’s what you need to track:

  • Preparedness: Track security incidents, level of prevention, false positives or negatives, employee awareness, simulations, security policies, vulnerabilities, and disaster recovery.
  • Devices: Determine the status of the devices you use, including whether the security software is up to date and if they are identified. Also, gauge the status of compliance, tracking, and analytics for your company’s devices.
  • Resolution: Track what you did and how long it took to resolve cybersecurity issues. What resources did you use or could you have used to resolve future issues? Also, do you expect to experience similar attacks in the future? What does the analytics tell you?
  • Security ratings: Determine your security rate, but then communicate the rating with your staff and stakeholders. Encourage best practices to build trust and satisfaction by addressing weaknesses and vulnerabilities. But, also track your progress by gaging success with analytics.

The best software solutions identify, target, and analyze risky human behavior. As you position yourself as the trusted partner to your customers, you’re building a lasting and productive relationship. It’s an evolving partnership that you and your employees feel good about and support, despite the possible cybersecurity challenges.

A New Approach to Cybersecurity Awareness

As you face continuing cybersecurity threats, you’ll continue to face issues with remote work, cloud security, encryption, and the multifaceted nature of security and connections. Even as you continue to learn and train your employees in compliant and secure behavior, new technology will continue to add complexities and challenges in cybersecurity.

So, how do you respond to the risks and dangers? At Living Security, we’re standing by to help you address your cybersecurity concerns. We offer security awareness training, so you can mitigate cyber risks. You and your employees are constantly learning and sharing best practices, based on experience and input from Living Security. It’s the best way to avoid the common online “traps” set by cyber criminals. Find out how Living Security can help!

Cybersecurity Training Tailored to Your Needs

With input and advice from Living Security, you can develop an effective, streamlined security awareness training program. Our easy-to-use, creative security awareness program helps you to better engage with your employees so your team can understand, retain, and implement those important security concepts that are so critical for your success.

Curious to learn more about the security awareness training program and some of its growing trends? Wondering how you can use analytics and metrics to track your success? Look at How to Develop a Security Awareness Training Program today!